- Request user-profile-access permission in capsule.bxb
- Use computed input to get viv.self.Self object
// Use self.GetImaginarySelf for development purpose
computed-input (self) {
type (self.Self)
min (Optional) max (One)
compute {
intent {
goal: self.Self
// route: self.GetImaginarySelf // for developers has NO Samsung device
route: self.GetSelf // for release
} - For developers not set up their account (must be done on a Bixby enabled Samsung mobile device), they can use self.GetImaginarySelf to get a default viv.self.Self object to continue their development.
- Use attached capsule code as an example. Utterance "list all names" and will see "Hi Bixby" from viv.self.GetImaginarySelf. (Must change to viv.self.GetImaginarySelf in code)
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